Sunday 25 April 2021

Beautiful Bluebells

 I have been so very busy at work in recent weeks and I have had barely a moment to relax, as different emergency situations developed I was getting more and more behind with things I need to do. On Friday afternoon as I closed down my laptop I decided I needed to get out for a while to end the working week on a high.

The sun was shining and so I put the top down on my car and drove down to Burton Mere Wetlands. I didn't actually make it to the reserve itself because I first went for a walk through the woodland to look at the bluebells and spent quite some time taking the stunning display, the scent was wonderful too although a couple of people complained they couldn't smell them which in these times of Covid 19 made me wonder if they should get tested...

Seeing these bluebells brought back many happy memories, among them memories from my youth in Kent walking with my family in Bluebell Wood, and more recent times of Boilton Wood in Lancashire.

I love to see the wonderful carpet of blue but I also like to look closer and see the detail of each delicate flower and you can see that as they open out they really are little bells. These are the native English Bluebells and they are a protected species. As such I was unable to wander freely in the woods and had to stick to the marked footpath, I was able to spot a couple of trails through the bluebells which marked the route of badgers that live in the woods.

I was so glad I took a little time to myself to end the week on a high note.

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