Friday 23 July 2021

Boys and Girls

More correctly I should say Boy and girls...

 These shots are of one brightly coloured male and some less colourful female Stonechats. 

They were spotted along the south west coastal path near Valley of Rocks at Lynton, Devon. It was a fantastic spot, even though I had a touch of vertigo at one point along the cliff top path. I wish I was as sure footed as the goats that wander freely on the hills and cliffs overlooking the Bristol Channel. 

There was all manner of wildlife to see from the sea birds down below including Razorbills, cormorants and various gulls, the odd dolphin and then the birds in the shrubs and grass along the path.

The stonechats were busily flying around and making a good deal of noise. It was particularly difficult to capture a shot of the male as he would not settle in any spot for long and I just couldn't get close enough. I know this is not a particularly good picture of the male but I have included it simply to show the contrast between the sexes. The females as you can see are not as brightly coloured however I think they are still lovely looking birds and I think I have managed to get a few decent shots. 

It was amazing how quickly I overcame my fear of heights as I got absorbed in taking these photographs. As I look at them now I can still hear the faint echo of "Michael, Get away from the edge!"

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