Saturday 3 July 2021

Fowl Portraits

 One of the features at Hestercombe Garden is a mill pond, which is home to a number of ducks and swans and other wildfowl.

I know that Mallard ducks and Mute Swans are really familiar birds and maybe not the most interesting of subjects simply by virtue of the fact that they may seem commonplace. However, take a closer look and they have really expressive faces.

When I say take a closer look I really did get close for these shots. I had a bag of seed in one of the pockets of my camera bag and so I threw a few seeds down and the ducks flocked around me trying to pick up a few scraps. They were so fast and close it was actually very difficult to get a decent shot. I had to be careful not to step back onto an errant duck.

The swan really did get close to me, at one point s/he reached forward almost touching the lens and in the third image you can see just how close, it has a slightly menacing look, which was backed up by a warning hiss. In profile s/he looks a little more serene

Having saved these images as JPEG files they lack some of the detail in the original Raw files but they are still nice images.

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