Monday 8 May 2023

On Tour...

 Walking around the dock I spotted this young couple of visitors to the city, the weather was a bit miserable so I am not sure they were having the best time as they explored some of the sights.

In the first shot they look a little bit tired, and maybe a little underwhelmed and I wondered whether they might have had a slight disagreement as they didn't seem quite together as they passed by.

A little further on I spotted them again, this time they were in step as they crossed the swing bridge and I think this creates a really nice shot.

A short while later I saw them again, this time she was taking a photo of her partner using a cheap disposable camera, which seemed odd given they both had decent smart phones with them. However I asked if they would like me top take a photo of them together which they seemed genuinely pleased about and when I asked if I could take a photo for myself they also agreed. Despite the language barrier they came across as a lovely couple and genuinely pleased with the friendly interaction. I think that comes across in the photo too, which is one of my favourite shots of the day.

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