Wednesday 31 May 2023

Pretty Flamingo

 Today I am following up yesterday's flaming excellent abstract with some more conventional shots of the flamingos at the zoo.

I have seen flamingos flying in the south of France but never had an opportunity to photograph them in the wild. So to get some shots I had to see them in the zoo. They are currently in the breeding season, in fact several birds could be seen sitting on eggs ( I wont say on nests because they actually create a mound of earth with a rim around the top and lay their egg on top). In previous years the zoo  staff have removed the eggs and replaced them with wooden replica eggs to avoid the risk of predation while the actual eggs are placed in incubators where they could hatch safely. However this year for the first time, since the flock is housed in a new and spectacular aviary, the eggs have been left with the parent birds and will be allowed to hatch naturally. Perhaps I will go back in a few weeks to see the new chicks, that would be quite something.

The colours of the birds' plumage at the moment is quite stunning, so vibrant and eye catching.

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