Monday 1 May 2023

I Give You the World

 In my last post I said that the next one (this one) would be something of a landmark and that I would have to find something big to celebrate.

This is my 2000th blog post since I started in 2014. I had initially intended to do a daily post and for some time I succeeded in that however I felt the pressure to produce something every day impacted on the quality and so there have been periodic gaps as I have tried to find something new and something worth posting.

I actually have no shortage of images in various files and folders backed up on my PC and different hard drives so I can always find something to post but I always like to find something new and I love to try different things as I enhance my skills in both photography and photo editing.

For my 2000th post I had considered going back through old files and digging something out of the archives and I have taken a few days thinking about what to post. Then I decided that I would go out and get something completely new and I headed off to Liverpool, to the waterfront and Albert Dock and spent a few hours walking round and photographing different things.

At the moment the city is in the midst of Eurovision fever as preparations are under way to host the popular music festival in lieu of Ukraine. There are inflatable birds dotted around the place, flags and signs etc and notably in the waters of the Albert Dock there is this wonderful floating globe, an artwork by Luke Jerram. It is a touring artwork which can be seen in Liverpool until 18th May. It is 10m in diameter and features imagery from NASA. It is quite spectacular, even on a dull day like today. I plan to go down after dark some time to get some pictures of the illuminated earth but for now here is a selection of images from today.

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