Wednesday 26 April 2023


 Having taken a break from shots around Venice recently I have now run out of the star light/star trail images. Even though I shot several hundred separate photos because of the stacking process I only ended up with 8 or 9 final images which I hope you have enjoyed.

For today I have chosen something completely different and you might think a little odd. I was walking around a public garden in Venice when I noticed this row of pots lined up on a wall tucked away next to a greenhouse. I knew straight away that it would create a nice, simple image.

It will probably come as no surprise that my favourite of the two is the black and white one. I do like the warmth of the colours in the second shot but I think there are better shadows in the first image.

Anyway my next blog will be something of a landmark so I am going to have to try and do something special, be sure to look out for it... 

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