Tuesday 4 April 2023


 Here is another picture that I thought deserved a post of its own. I had wanted to get a shot across the lagoon of the Basilica di San Giorgio Maggiore as I had not photographed it from this vantage point before. However it was clear the young woman sat on the edge was going to be there for some time and so I decided that I would make her a feature of the shot. 

I think that from this angle the whole image works really well and rather than being just another shot of a church the picture does now have a story and we can create a narrative around the young woman.  am also reminded of the song  "Sitting" by Cat Stevens from his album Catch Bull at Four which makes a fitting accompaniment to the image

On a side note I like some of the detail in the sky; the X from the crossing vapour trails and the swirl in the cloud above the campanile.

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