Wednesday 19 April 2023



Last night there was the promise of a clear sky, no clouds and no moon so I nipped down to the beach to capture a circumpolar star trail image over the wind farm at Burbo Bank. 

I was delayed starting because on my first attempt I realised I had the wrong footplate for the tripod so I had to go home and start again.

All set up I wanted to get some of the lights from the wind turbine and the bright white line along the bottom is ship traffic in and out of the port of Liverpool which looks quite good. Next time, since there is nothing else in the foreground I think I would focus a little higher to get more of the stars and less beach.

Unfortunately the session was cut short by the arrival of cloud from the east, at least one hour earlier than expected, and with all the light pollution from Liverpool and along the coast there was little point continuing.

I wasn't really expecting very much of the night so I am quite pleased with the above image which is a stack of 64 x 30 second exposures. I had to skip a couple of shots in the stack to remove the lights of a passing airplane which were very bright. Although I was hoping for much longer trails I think the overall effect is still pleasing.

The forecast says there should be clear skies tonight as well and so I will be out again, hopefully for a much longer shoot and from a slightly different vantage point  so look out for the next image in a day or two.

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