Friday 14 April 2023

An Old Favourite

 Despite the miserable weather I headed out to Mere Sands Woods this morning for a couple of hours. I had a lovely time although it was pretty much useless for photography as the light was so poor and with the fast shutter speed needed to get sharp images of birds the ISO was also high so almost all of the shots are not useable due to the amount of noise. It didn't help that a large part of the reserve was closed off so some of the better hides were off limits.

Nevertheless I did manage to spot a fair selection of birds; a nesting pair of Canada Geese, Grey Lag Geese, Mallards, Tufted ducks, Moorhens, Coots, Great Crested Grebe, Grey Heron, Coal Tits, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Reed Buntings, Chiffchaff, Cormorants, Shovelers, Shelduck, a female mallard with a clutch of 5 beautiful ducklings, all manner of extremely noisy gulls, a song thrush, crows, jackdaws and a Jay which was being mobbed by blackbirds.

Despite this variety as I say most of the photos are not that great, in fact I didn't really bother to take that many shots. 

I could not resist however when it came to this robin which was pretty inquisitive and although the light was poor he came close enough for me to get a few fairly decent pics. So although they are a familiar sight I think that they will always raise a smile and so they are worthy of a share here. Enjoy...

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