Sunday 2 April 2023

Inside the Basilica


The other day I shared some shots of the floor in the basilica of Santa Maria della Salute and today I have treated you to some shots of some of the detail in the Basilica San Giorgio Maggiore.

Firstly we have some of the intricate carvings on the seats around the chancel, with angels, cherubs and lions. I have shot these in black and white, save for one image which shows the richness of the wood.

The final two images are of the floor and while the design is not so intricate as the floor in the basilica de Santa Maria della Salute it is a beautiful floor nonetheless. I think the angles I have used in these images really show it off at its best. 

I actually think that they are good enough for a post of their own but I have so many images from Venice to post  I decided to combine them with the carvings as two examples of the exquisite craftsmanship of the renaissance builders.

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