Monday 3 April 2023

In the Spotlight

 I took lots of photos of people round and about the city while I was in Venice. Some good and others not so good and I had selected a handful to share today. However I thought that this image deserved a post of its own.

I think it was a bit of a lucky shot if I am honest, I had been walking along a narrow side street following this gentleman and another younger man (not in a stalker sense, just they were walking ahead of me) and I hoped to capture a shot of them silhouetted at the end of the street but one turned right to peer through a gateway and this chap turned left and waited for his friend. I think the shot was a little under exposed but I have been able to do some basic editing to bring out what I wanted to see in the image. I am super happy with this shot with the effect of the highlights and shadows. Although it is a very simple image I think it is really good. 

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