Saturday 22 April 2023

Hilbre Island at Night

 After just over two hours taking star trail images I decided to finish off the evening (it was actually well after midnight) with a few single shot images. The first was a 30/1s exposure with ISO 800, the others are all 15/1s exposures with ISO 1000

I have then adjusted the settings in lightroom to create the final images. In each case I have had to meticulously remove some annoying noise artefacts caused due to the sensor heating up during long exposures but the effort was worth it. The tide had come in while I was shooting and so in these images the surface of the sea has a nice milky smooth appearance as it reflects the light from North Wales and the wind farm on the horizon and Hilbre Island which sits at the mouth of the River Dee. The light from the Hilbre Lighthouse can also be seen reflected.

As these are single shots there is less colour and definition in the stars, and star clusters than I would get if I I had used my star tracker and stacked multiple images but I was not set up for that. I really like the effect that the long exposure has produced. It has given me some ideas of what I can try next time I get out after dark.

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