Wednesday 24 June 2015

Terraced Gardens of Bodnant

Today's shots follow on from yesterday with a couple more photos of the Pin Mill, this time with more of the terracing and the ornamental gardens in front of the mill itself.  These were taken at the end of the day when most of the garden's visitors had left so it was possible to get these pictures without anybody wandering into the shot. I really like the second of today's pictures, the lighting was just right and although taken only moments after the first of these pictures I was able to take advantage of a break in the clouds as the sun shone through lighting everything up.

The third picture shows some of the steps leading up to the house which was the home of the garden's owners and the final shot shows the view from the upper terrace across Snowdonia.  Although the cloud was building up it had been a brilliant day and I am sure you will agree it provided some fantastic photo opportunities.

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