Wednesday 2 December 2015

Around Chirk

I have been frustrated over the past few days because I haven't been able to post anything due to a problem with the Blogger upload  but fortunately there is a work around and I am back and smiling...

Today's pictures are three different winter scenes from around Chirk castle. The first is a view of one of the turrets that is rarely seen on a visit to the castle, a walk in the woodlands around the castle however is full of little treats and I love the perspective in this shot of the tower.

The second is one of many views of the topiary that I have taken on my visits to Chirk, I think the deep green stands out against the wintry sky.

I really like the final image of the snowdrops, there were lots of people visiting the castle on this particular day, specifically to see its now famous display of these wonderful winter flowers.

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