Monday 7 December 2015

Ecclesiastical Perspective

If you Google "Ecclesiastical Perspective" (or use any other search engine for that matter) you will find images of churches, inside and out.

Here are a few shots of my own. Like yesterday's pictures these are from the Palace of Versailles. The first and third images are of the Royal Chapel which is quite fantastic.

The second picture is of one of the long corridors and not strictly ecclesiastical although the statues lining the corridor are religious figures (at least I think they are).

The final picture is of the chapel in the  Petit Trianon in the Domaine de Marie Antoinette.  It is still quite opulent with the marvelous marble floor and the fine sculptures but it is quite simple and understated.

I've left the description of the fourth picture til last, because its not a religious building but it is a feature of several French Chateaux that I have visited and it is a "Cathedral" of trees, walking through it is like walking through the nave of a grand cathedral and it is very peaceful.

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