Saturday 26 December 2015

Reeds and Abstract Reflections

On the one bright and sunny day we have had in ages I went back to Mere Sands in the hope of getting some shots of birds in good light. However there were hardly any birds there to be seen.  Thinking that my luck really has been bad recently I sat and looked out across the lake and was struck by the colourful reflections and so I decided to make the most of my day out and take pictures of something different.

In the first of today's pictures I like the colour of the reeds which shone gold in the sunlight. The second shot is of tree trunks reflected in the gently rippling water, looking at it now I think like the bottom half of the picture more than the image as a whole because there is greater distortion and more abstract quality.

The third and fourth images are of the same area with more reflections of the trees and the sky visible through the naked branches. These are much more abstract images than the first two and it is the richness of the colours and the patterns which make these pictures my favourites.

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