Monday 28 December 2015

Woodland Wonders

I am sure that everybody is familiar with the old idiom "You can't see the wood for the trees" and walking through this old woodland I found lots of interesting pieces of wood in various stages of decay.

I love the way the bark is peeling back from the rotting branch in the first picture, with the different textures and the way the afternoon light brings out the patterns.

In the second image I can see a face, surrounded by a golden mane of flowing hair.  

The third picture shows the importance of the bark as a protector of the tree.  Here you can see that although the wood has completely decayed the bark has remained intact.  it is now home to some of the many bugs and insects that live on the woodland floor.

The fourth picture is of a decaying stump which looks to me like a helmet from an ancient suit of armour, or perhaps a bit like one of the Moai monoliths on Easter Island.

The final picture is of a woodpile built from the cleared branches from the woodland floor. The reason I took it was for the rich colours.

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