Wednesday 30 August 2017

A Life On The Ocean Waves

So I have posted these not because they are particularly great pictures, although they are quite nice particularly the second one, but because they have a degree of nostalgia attached to them.

A few years ago my youngest son was lucky enough (at least I think he was lucky) to be chosen for a place on a tall ships training cruise from South Wales to Northern Ireland and then into Liverpool and this was the ship he sailed on. 

Then during our recent break in Hampshire we went to Portsmouth to visit the Historic Dockyard and in the marina we spotted this ship and so I got a couple of pictures. To think of my 15 year old son (as he was at the time) climbing the rigging and walking out along the spar over the waves fills me with a mixture of emotions but mostly pride. 

Growing up I often imagined running away to sea having read lots of adventure novels about sailing and shipwrecks but as much as I would love the adventure my life didn't go in that direction so when I get close to ships like this I get a little buzz of excitement and I start to imagine a life at sea.

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