Saturday 26 August 2017

Fat Cow

I did think about calling today's post something like "nice rack" but that would be tacky and beneath me, another option was "Moo!" but this cow was silently chewing so that didn't seem appropriate either. Now as I am writing I realise that "Fat Cow" is a misnomer too because this is in fact a bull but never mind...

I really like the black and white shot, and although the pictures are almost identical, taken just seconds apart I think it is a more effective image in black and white with greater contrast. I know that not everyone will agree with me on that but perhaps it is because I am colour blind in the first picture the bull is not as clearly defined as in the second because the browns and greens merge too much and while I like the picture it just doesn't work as well for me.

This fabulous beast lives in the New Forest and grazes on the pasture just outside of Brockenhurst. If you have ever been it is likely that you will have spotted this Bull or others like it as they are a fixture of the place. It is a place that I love to visit and where I have some very nice memories.

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