Saturday 19 August 2017


Today I am posting a couple of shots of wildlife in the New Forest and I know that lots of people won't be too keen and some may be surprised that I have even posted them. If you are squeamish then look away now. Alternatively scroll down, you have been warned...

So both of these shots were taken during my first afternoon away in the forest. I had gone for a short walk and first of all spotted this female slow worm crossing my path. It really is a beauty and I couldn't resist taking a closer look. It was a bit tricky to get the shot because I had to hold the lizard in one hand and take the shot one handed. I think I did alright.

The second image is of a Labyrinth Spider. I had gone over to look at the massive web which was spread out over the grass and bracken and I spotted a grasshopper trigger the web and this spider pounced from it's funnel at the base of a plant. On this occasion it wasn't quick enough to catch its prey and he didn't hang around very long before scurrying back into his hideaway.

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