Wednesday 12 June 2019

A Country House and a warning...

This the chateau at Vaux le Vicomte  in Maincy 34 miles outside of Paris. I have chosen to post two images of the approach to the chateau which is surrounded by a deep moat filled with large carp and edible frogs.

It is an impressive bulding, built in the 17th century, designed by Le Notre for Nicholas Fouquet, finance minister to Louis XIV.

Although the clouds hang heavily over the chateau in these images later in the day the sky cleared and it was really hot as we explored the castle and grounds (which are equally as impressive).

Imagine the "house warming party" with a list of guests which includes celebrities such as Moliere who even performed in a specially commissioned play in the gardens, aristocrats, politicians and the king himself. 

Unfortunately for Monsieur Fouquet his enjoyment of his country home was short lived because the king a proud and jealous man decided that his finance minister had become a little too big for his boots. Louis considered that Nicholas had tried to upstage the king by having such a grand house built that he confiscated the chateau and had Monsieur Fouquet thrown in jail. After a trial he narrowly avoided the death penalty after a small majority voted for exile rather than execution (although it was a close call) and he was sent to live abroad.

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