Tuesday 18 June 2019

My School Trips Were Never This Much Fun

Coming to the end of the tour around the interior of Vaux le Vicomte I came upon a group of school children on a trip. As you can see they were all dressed up in period costumes as ladies in waiting and musketeers and they were being guided through their paces by an enthusiastic young woman.

I don't normally post pictures of people and here I have been careful to shoot from behind so the individuals can't be identified. What I like in each of these images is the way the children are looking eagerly at their tutor feeding off her enthusiasm and excitement. I know that the woman in the second image is not in focus but that was because I wanted to focus on the children leaning in to follow what she was doing.

I chose to show the first two in black and white to give a period feel to the image  but in the third I wanted to show the richness and colour of the costumes. I really like this last scene which shows the children in pairs waiting to be announced as they entered the great hall as if for a grand ball or party. I had some good school trips as a child but none quite as much fun as this one seemed to be.

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