Monday 3 June 2019

Under Attack

So yesterday I posted some pictures of singing frogs, something I had never witnessed before. 

Today I am sharing a series of pictures captured a few days previously from the walls of the medieval city of Provins. I knew that there was a bird of prey display within the city but I was was not expecting to come quite so close to the display itself. Taking in the view of the countryside surrounding the city I was surprised as this European Vulture flew past. I wasn't really prepared for wildlife photography and but I was equipped with my 24 -105mm L series lens and the quality of the equipment really shows in these images.

Initially the vulture made a couple of solo passes but then it was quickly surrounded by a flock of pigeons and some crows that mobbed it.  After a while it took refuge in one of the ruined towers further along the wall before presumably it went to play its part in the flying display for the paying public.

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