Thursday 20 June 2019

Feeding Time for Mini Beast

Walking through the grounds at Vaux le Vicomte on a hot day in May I wasn't too surprised to spot one or two common lizards basking in the sun . What I didn't expect was to see one having lunch.  I was slightly disappointed to have missed the moment when this little chap caught his prey but it was so cool to watch as he tried to devour it. 

As I approached with my camera I could see that he was becoming increasingly wary in case I was after his meal. In the first shot you can see from his pose that he is standing guard over his meal. 

I am not entirely sure what it is but I think it is a large cricket or similar insect. I was impressed to watch as the lizard dragged it around given its size relative to the lizard. I don't think it looks too appetising but the lizard seemed quite satisfied.

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