Saturday 26 June 2021

Death Come Quickly


I haven't really been able to indulge my passion for photography for a long time and on the odd occasions when I have been able to get out with my camera I have had limited time and only managed to get a few shots and so I have not regularly posted anything to my blog, it has been in fits and starts. So this past week has been a much needed treat for me. I was able to spend a few days down in Somerset and Devon and along the way I managed to capture a few decent images that I am looking forward to sharing and perhaps sharing the story behind some of them.
On Monday I went to Hestercombe Gardens just outside of Taunton. There are some lovely formal gardens designed by Gertrude Jekyll and Edwin Lutyens in 1908, but there are also some wonderful landscaped gardens which date back to the 1750's with lots of little surprises and hidden gems, such as gothic temples, cascades and alcoves where you can sit and enjoy spectacular views across the garden. 
It was wet and grey when I visited but that didn't spoil the visit in any way. In fact the rain added some extra interest as you can see from the images above. 
I have a few more pictures with a watery theme to come but for today I have a shot of this Geranium robertianum; a species of cranesbill. It is commonly known as herb-Robert, fox geranium, red robin, stinking Bob, crow's foot, squinter-pip and as in the title of this post death come quickly. Apparently it can be used in folk medicine with a variety of benefits; one that particularly interests me is that the smell from the leaves if rubbed on the body will repel mosquitoes. As someone who seems to attract mosquitoes and all manner of bitey bugs that sounds quite tempting although perhaps the smell which is said to be similar to burning tyres may actually drive away more than just mosquitoes.
This is a very unassuming little plant and could have been overlooked very easily but I think it was worth the time and attention to get this shot (and the cropped image too) with the raindrops for added interest. The pink flower stands out nicely against the green backdrop of bracken, I think it is really beautiful.

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