Tuesday 15 June 2021

In the Leaf Litter

 Meet Trypocopris vernalis.

I love getting down into the undergrowth and leaf litter to find what lurks there. It is so easy to miss what is beneath our feet but there is so much interesting stuff to see. Often it is very small so hard to see, or it moves really quickly so it is very difficult to have a good look let a lone get a decent image.

This little critter scurried across the forest path so I followed it for a little while to see where it would go. At first glance it looks pure black but as the light catches it you can see flashes of brilliant blue. on its belly there is even more blue and it is a really beautiful colour.

The "copris" part of its name gives a hint to one of the characteristics of this beetle, namely its diet, or at least the diet of its larvae since they feed on the dung of animals such as sheep and foxes, YUK! (the poo diet, not the fox). They are a species of dung beetle and their common name is the Common dor beetle or Spring dor beetle. The chances are if you have been out walking in the woods or anywhere in the countryside you will have seen one of these or perhaps one of its cousins as they are widespread across Europe and Asia minor. Despite its dodgy diet they are really cool. Go on take a closer look.

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