Saturday 19 June 2021

Reed Warbler

 Last Saturday I went to Mere Sands Woods reserve, it was the first time in a long while that the hides were open and I sat for ages waiting to see something. At one point a scruffy little robin flew into the hide looking for scraps to feed its young. One of the other people in the hide had some seed and put some out and the brave little robin kept coming back. At one point it flew into the hide almost flying into my lens and gave me a shock.

Apart from a few geese and ducks out on the mere there was not much else to see except a few Reed Warblers that were feeding in the shrubs and long grass in front of the hide. They were constantly on the move so catching a shot was incredibly difficult. I loved to just sit and watch as they were busy about their work obviously foraging to feed their young hidden away in the reeds but I was also glad to get just a few images that I can share.

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