Wednesday 30 June 2021

No Show Socks!?

 So if you have taken the time to click on the link and scroll down past the pictures you might be wondering why on earth I have titled this post "No Show Socks!?"

You may be thinking these are not socks (if you are not thinking that I would be more than a little surprised) they are seed pods! indeed they are seed pods but in an attempt to identify the exact species of seed pod I used Google Lens which has usually proved to be fairly reliable in identifying plants and animals (with a few exceptions) and the majority of results suggested these were pictures of no show socks, other suggestions were safety socks, wonder grip work gloves, heat resistant gloves, a balaclava, peppers or chillies, sea slug and even maggot larva. Of the 60 suggestions only 4 were of seed pods. Then when i tried the same thing with the black and white image not one suggestion was of a seed pod. So if you want a little fun try it for yourself snap the image with google lens and see what it comes up with.

So although I would love to accurately identify this seed pod I cannot. It might be a variety of maple, or an acer, or sycamore but exactly what I cannot say. I believe that the seeds themselves are edible (not the pods) and I think they make for quite a good image. If you stare at the pictures you might see different things, I can see a heart in the space between the seeds, or perhaps a pair of wings, maybe an ancient warrior's helmet or as my son suggested a pair of lungs. Whatever you see they are quite cool. 

If you can identify what they are please let me know in the comments, also if you do the google lens experiment let me know what your favourite alternative suggestion is it could be fun to compare...

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