Monday 5 October 2015

A Frog on a Stick

So today I am in St Helier, capital of the island state of Jersey. I'm here for work and only have limited time between appointments and my flights so sadly I don't have any real opportunity to take photos.

Added to the time constraints the weather this evening has been abysmal and I felt like I'd had a bath in my clothes by the time I got back to my hotel. I had mananged to find a nice restaurant and so after some succulent lamb and some delicious profiteroles my mood was lifted somewhat (those who know me well will know how much I like profiteroles).

Anyway the first of today's images is of a statue of a frog which was perched upon a stone column in a small square in the centre of the town. It was unusual and quirky and therefore worthy of a spot in my blog.
The other shots are abstract images of the lights around the harbour which I rather like. I hope you do too.

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