Tuesday 27 October 2015

Seaweed and Sand

As well as spending some time watching and photographing the kite surfers on Saturday I also took a number of nice shots on the beach.

Today's post then is a selection of random images from the day, a couple of landscape images of the lifeguard station with dramatic skies and a distant view of North Wales.

The second image is all about colour and texture and I really like it.

The third picture is a bit of fun and represents a day at the beach really well.  This little dog was having such fun running around with his ball.  However when he realised that I was taking pictures of him he dropped the ball and ran over to bark at me, ignoring the pleas of his owner until I spoke to him saying he should fetch the ball, then he ran off. I am not that keen on dogs but this little fella made me smile.

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