Monday 12 October 2015

An Epic Landscape

I knew when I took this shot that I liked it, but it wasn't until I was selecting pictures for today that I realised why.  It reminds me very much of a scene from The Lord of the Rings and the only thing that is missing from the scene is the crebain. 

Now you may be thinking what on earth is he talking about but when I showed it to members of my family they all said the same thing "...Crebain, from Dunland", quoting from the scene where the Fellowship are resting at a spot very much like this and they see what appears to be a dark cloud on the horizon but it turns out to be a flock of crow like birds called Crebain. 

Ok enough of the nerdy stuff, even if you can't relate to the cinematic reference I am sure you will agree this is a really nice shot.

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