Wednesday 11 November 2015

A River Runs Through...

Walking through the forest I was drawn downhill by the sound of running water, not a steady trickle but a thunderous roar of the cascades that you can see in the first three pictures. I don't know the name of the river but this spot is marked on the map as "Force" and nearby is "Force Forge Farm" which I believe at one time was a mill powered by the river.

The volume of water passing through was incredible and the noise was so loud, it drowned out the sound of cars passing on the nearby road.

Getting the second and third pictures was a little tricky as I had to lean against a tree slightly overhanging the river and wedge my feet into the tangle of roots to prevent a tumble into the deluge.  It was a great experience though, being so close to such a force.  I also saw something I had never seen before (except on nature documentaries) and that was a fish, a trout I think, leaping up the falls. I waited a while to see if I would see more but unfortunately I didn't but it was great just to see the one.

Walking further upstream the river moved at a more leisurely pace and the noise was much less and as you can see from the final two images it was a much more peaceful scene. As calming as this was I preferred the drama of the falls.

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