Friday 13 November 2015

Fairy Lights

Half way round my walk along the High Bowkerstead Trail the weather really took a turn for the worse and I realised I was going to have to pack all my gear away. I took shelter under some pine trees and as I started to pack up I saw these tiny fungi, they are really delicate but there were loads of them growing through the carpet of pine needles and bark on the forest floor.

I then saw the droplets of water on the plant in pictures three and four.  The weight of the water pulled the plant downwards each tiny droplet looked like a jewel.  I illuminated them with a small torch I carry in my pack and as the drops caught the beam of light they sparkled rather like fairy lights at Christmas.  I tried to get a sharp image from various angles however I had to give up due to the heavy rain.  It has given me some ideas for a future project but for now the pictures above will hopefully do nicely.

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