Wednesday 31 August 2016

Lighting Up Parry Sound

This is a real lighthouse, and although it is quite small the perspective in this picture makes it look much smaller than it really is. It is situated at the marina in Parry Sound in the Georgian Bay area of Lake Huron. On the long drive from Toronto this was a good place to stop and take a break.

As well as the lighthouse there was the huge railway viaduct, boats in the harbour and float planes tied to the jetties, o plenty to see. Unfortunately the visit was cut short because of a sudden sharp rain shower so lunch turned into a picnic in the car before setting off again on the long trip along the Trans Canada Highway.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Beware The Bear

From the very first moment the trip to Canada was planned I was excited about the different wildlife I would get to see. I was pretty certain that I would see eagles and I knew if we picked the right time of year Hummingbirds were a safe bet, and there was no doubt about deer, skunks and chipmunks but a bear, as much as I hoped I didn't really expect to see one. However on day two of the trip on the long drive across country a huge Black Bear crossed the road ahead of the car. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a shot of it but it was such a thrill to see its great bulk lumbering across the highway.

A day or so later our friends took us to the Fort William Reservation (First Nation) and a short stop at the dump was rewarded with an opportunity to get close up with a beautiful bear. It was a little sad to see this majestic beast rummaging through the trash but it was also a genuine thrill and we sat for a while until he slowly walked off into the forest. I have more pictures of the bear which no doubt I will come back to in time but for now enjoy... 

Monday 29 August 2016

Abstract Sculpture

So I am home again, I have actually been home for 5 days but I have had so many things to do I haven't had time to get back to my blog.

As you can imagine my trip to Canada provided so many great photo opportunities and I have over 1600 images to review. I could so easily have taken more and on the long drive across country I saw so many things that I wanted to capture but just didn't have the time. I hope to go back in the future and I have a few ideas of photo projects that I would like to do but that is for the future and here in the present I have some great pictures to share. 

I was able to see so much wildlife and some great scenery so deciding where to start was quite tough. 

I could have begun at the beginning and worked through each day but I don't think that sort of linear approach will work since there is such variety to the pictures I have and so I will be mixing things up.

So for today's image I have chosen a shot of some abstract artwork by the marina in Thunder Bay, Ontario which was the main base for the trip. This shot was taken in the early hours, just before sunrise and you can see the lightening sky reflected in the silvery globes. If you look closely you can also see me in the top and middle sections but fortunately given the lighting that doesn't detract from the image.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

What does that even mean?

 This was my view as I ate my supper tonight here in Toronto. I could tell you all about my delicious Elk Burger and refreshing strawberry lemonade but as this isn't a food blog I won't go there. 

I couldn't decide which of these three pictures to post so decided on all three as they're connected.

They're a little bit quirky and fit really well with my first impressions of this wonderful city

Monday 22 August 2016


I've left Thunder Bay behind after a fabulous two weeks and I'm now in Sault Ste Marie on my way back to Toronto and then back home to England.

Sault ste Marie is described as Algoma's friendliest city and it sits on the border with the USA as you can see from today's picture which shows the bridge joining the two countries above the St Mary's River which itself linksthe great lakes Lake Huron and Lake Superior.

Sunday 21 August 2016

From the lookout

On Monday we visited a spot known as the Thunder Bay Lookout. It was a fantastic spot high on the cliffs overlooking Lake Superior. There is a platform which extends beyond the edge of the cliff allowing these spectacular views. The first is looking out towards Amethyst Harbour, the second is a panoramic shot of the whole bay. 

This was also the only spot at this point in the trip where I had a good signal allowing me to call home and check on the family left behind.

Following this little excursion we headed off to Pounsford Lake, a beautifully secluded spot, for snacks and a bit of synchronised swimming.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Sunflowers and a Sleeping Giant

I've been away camping for a few days and not able to post anything but I've been getting loads of photos which I can share in the weeks ahead. 

Today's first picture was taken on the morning I left for the camping trip as I went for a short walk. These beautiful flowers added extra brightness to the morning, they're in a beautifully tended garden at Heritage Park overlooking the Sleeping Giant at Thunder Bay.

This second picture is a view of the Sleeping Giant as seen from Marie Louise Lake in the Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, there will be lots of different views that I will share because it was always changing. This particular picture was taken on a really calm morning just before a trip out onto the lake in a canoe. Again there will be more of these adventures in the coming weeks, after I've had time to sort through all my pictures but please come back to see...

Saturday 13 August 2016

Meet Valour

The car in the first shot is a Nash Lafayette, it was a nicely restored specimen parked up on display outside the Fish Shop just outside of Thunder Bay. It was an interesting place with a gift shop specialising in amethyst jewellery. Maybe before I leave here I will visit an amethyst mine...

The second photo is of a horse called Valour, he was my mount this morning when I went for a riding lesson with my daughter and our host's daughter. It was a great morning and although I will probably ache tomorrow it will be worth it as I'm sure anybody who has ridden horses will agree 😊

Friday 12 August 2016

A Ghost Town

So today we took a trip to Silver Islet, described on some sites as a ghost town. It is now mostly summer residences although there is a small permanent population. 

It has its origins back in the 1860's when a rich vein of silver was discovered on an island just off the shore. For about 14 years it was one on the richest mines in the world producing $3.25 million worth of the previous metal before problems with flooding meant it was no longer profitable or safe to continue.

It is in a very beautiful but remote setting and life at that time must have been quite brutal, especially with the harsh Lake Superior winters.

Now, as I say, there is a small community there with many of the original miners cabins along the shore being used as summer cabins.

The village once boasted a post office (now closed) and a general store which was a wonderful place stocking all sorts of provisions. Sadly today when we visited the store was boarded up and so I didn't get to go inside. 

I have shared a few shots taken with my phone and over the course of the coming week I hope to go back to photograph some of the other buildings along the lake shore and hopefully there will some worth sharing in future.

In The Wild

So today I got out, in spite of the rain and was lucky enough to see this beautiful black bear, she was rooting around in the rubbish looking for a tasty snack. She walked off with the remains of a bag of Doritos. Although we were very close the fact that she was hungry and the fact the we were inside the car meant we were able to watch her for some time. I can't wait to share the proper photos when I get home.

Also while out we visited Mission Marsh, a conservation area and well known for its deer population. Although they're wild they're not afraid of himans and came really close. I have some really good shots with my camera, including a young fawn still with its spotted coat. Again I can hardly wait to share those, but hey, I still have lots to see and do here first.

Thursday 11 August 2016

A Little Light Refreshment

One of the things I was looking forward to on this trip was a root beer float from A&W's

It was so good I decided to share. I really needed it as this brief moment of indulgence was followed by a shopping trip with the girls, I now feel like I have flat feet.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

For the Fairies

Today I visited Kakabeka Falls a spectacular site where legend has it that Greenmantle, princess of the Ojibwa tribe allowed herself to be taken hostage by the Sioux, in return for sparing her life she promised to lead the Sioux warriors to her father's camp. She led them by canoe along the river and diverting to the shallows at the last moment the unsuspecting Sioux in the following canoes were swept over the falls to their deaths.

These pictures were taken using the camera on my phone and when I return home I will have more shots to share. 

The visit to the falls was followed by a forest trail and along the way I spotted the little fungus growing in the shade, a perfect spot for fairies if you ask me...

Monday 8 August 2016

Savoury Soda Anyone???

So today after a delicious brunch at the Hoito here in Thunder Bay I was treated to visit to a store which sells an amazing array of products. Of most interest was the huge selection of sodas. There must've been 50 types of Cola and nearly as many varieties of root beer. But beyond that there were some of the most unusual/unique flavours. For anyone brave enough to try it is possible to have a whole meal in soda. Bacon or Teriyaki Beef with sweet corn, followed by Tiramisu or Lemon Meringue maybe. For the really brave there is even Dinosaur Dung... 

With so many to choose from I expect you're wondering what I chose; well I left them all on the shelves, but if I get enough encouragement and some suggestions I might back and try one.

Just Chillin'

So it has been difficult to post anything for a few days due to lack of WiFi, and the fact that I have travelled half way across Ontario from Toronto to Thunder Bay on the Northern shore of Lake Superior. It has been a wonderful experience seeing chipmunks, a beaver, an otter, eagles (Golden and Bald) and to top it all a big Black Bear lumbering across the road in front of us. The only downside to all of that was that as I was driving I couldn't take any pictures.

Today however the pace has been slower and I've spent some of the evening, after eating Don's famous sticky ribs, watching and photographing ruby throated humming birds. It's another bucket list item ticked off and I can't wait to share them once I get back home.

This afternoon we all went off to swim in the cascades just outside of town. It was really sunny and super hot so sinking into the cold water was a real treat. It was in one of the small pools away from the rapids that I saw this little cutie and thought it would be good to share it with you.

I will try to share a few more shots in the coming days to give you a flavour of my trip.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

A Walk In The Woods

I may not be posting as regularly for little while as I will be traveling in Canada so when I do post it will be a bit of a travelogue with hopefully some good shots of some of the interesting things along the way. For today I will leave you with a couple of images of my last woodland walk in Delamere. 

Monday 1 August 2016

Looking Up!

Back in Delamere Forest, how impressive are these trees with their uniformly straight trunks reaching into the sky...

I love walking in the forest.