Monday 29 August 2016

Abstract Sculpture

So I am home again, I have actually been home for 5 days but I have had so many things to do I haven't had time to get back to my blog.

As you can imagine my trip to Canada provided so many great photo opportunities and I have over 1600 images to review. I could so easily have taken more and on the long drive across country I saw so many things that I wanted to capture but just didn't have the time. I hope to go back in the future and I have a few ideas of photo projects that I would like to do but that is for the future and here in the present I have some great pictures to share. 

I was able to see so much wildlife and some great scenery so deciding where to start was quite tough. 

I could have begun at the beginning and worked through each day but I don't think that sort of linear approach will work since there is such variety to the pictures I have and so I will be mixing things up.

So for today's image I have chosen a shot of some abstract artwork by the marina in Thunder Bay, Ontario which was the main base for the trip. This shot was taken in the early hours, just before sunrise and you can see the lightening sky reflected in the silvery globes. If you look closely you can also see me in the top and middle sections but fortunately given the lighting that doesn't detract from the image.

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