Tuesday 30 August 2016

Beware The Bear

From the very first moment the trip to Canada was planned I was excited about the different wildlife I would get to see. I was pretty certain that I would see eagles and I knew if we picked the right time of year Hummingbirds were a safe bet, and there was no doubt about deer, skunks and chipmunks but a bear, as much as I hoped I didn't really expect to see one. However on day two of the trip on the long drive across country a huge Black Bear crossed the road ahead of the car. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a shot of it but it was such a thrill to see its great bulk lumbering across the highway.

A day or so later our friends took us to the Fort William Reservation (First Nation) and a short stop at the dump was rewarded with an opportunity to get close up with a beautiful bear. It was a little sad to see this majestic beast rummaging through the trash but it was also a genuine thrill and we sat for a while until he slowly walked off into the forest. I have more pictures of the bear which no doubt I will come back to in time but for now enjoy... 

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