Friday 9 September 2016

Barely a Ripple

I had stopped here at Surprise Lake just on the way in to Silver Islet on my early morning cycle ride/photo expedition. I had taken a few shots of the lake with the trees reflected in the calm water and I was about to set of when this guy pulled up in his car, casually got out and walked into the lake and began to fish. I was so impressed by how calmly he set about his business and how he left barely a ripple as he cast his fly. I watched for a little while until he caught a lake trout and then I left him to it. It was such a calm and quiet morning, after this I stood and watched a downy woodpecker and a small flock of cedar waxwings in the trees by the shore and I was so glad that I had made the effort to get up and out by myself. 

This was also one of the few spots on the Sibley Peninsula while camping that I was able to get a phone signal and I took a moment to call loved ones back home. It is funny that as much as I was having fun being by myself it was also nice to share the moment.

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