Sunday 4 September 2016

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

I have been so excited to share some pictures of the beautiful hummingbirds that during the first week of my trip were regular visitors to the garden. 

They were very skittish and incredibly difficult to shoot, possibly wary of my lens which I have decided needs to be camouflaged for wildlife photography (more of that on another day).  Difficult as they were to shoot I think that patience and perseverance paid off. This is definitely one of the better shots but I have some more that I am just as pleased with. I had thought of putting several up today but I want to spread them out so will share some more in the future.

This is a female Ruby Throated Hummingbird, lining up for a feed from the Bee Balm which seemed to be its favourite food source in the garden. I really miss sitting out and watching these little beauties, they were just so mesmerising. They were definitely an item on my bucket list of creatures I have always wanted to see. They didn't disappoint, I hope you agree.

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