Wednesday 7 September 2016

Indian Pipe

After a couple of days without posting I wasn't sure what to share today until Facebook came to the rescue. Well it was the Sleeping Giant Provincial Park facebook page (Which is definitely worth a look, both the page and the park!) because they posted a photo of an unusual little plant which I recognised as one I had photographed while on a walk along the trail to Middlebrun Bay which is in the park on the shore of Lake Superior. I was unsure what the plant was (although one of my friends had identified it from my description the following day, but I've been asleep since then and had completely forgotten) so I asked the page administrator what it is and was very quickly reminded that it is known as Indian Pipe or Monotropa unifora. It apparently draws its nutrients from the plants around it in order to survive and grow.

It is only a very small plant growing close to the ground and this specimen was growing just off the main trail. I think it is quite eye catching and a lovely little thing and definitely worth sharing. I hope you agree.

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