Friday 2 September 2016


This holiday wasn't about beaches and sunbathing but the shores of Lake Superior are dotted with little coves and sandy beaches.

On advice from our friends who have driven the north shore route many times we stopped at Pancake Bay Provincial Park. Pulling in we were greeted by a young man who advised that there is a fee for day visitors to the park that would be refundable if we left within 30 minutes. I explained that I was just stopping to take a few pictures and he very kindly waived the fee.

Walking through the treeline I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a wide sweeping sandy beach and the clear water lapping against the shore. I took a couple of shots and then I couldn't resist paddling briefly. The water was cold, but not as cold as expected and as I walked away I turned to see my footprints slowly washed away by the waves. I took this picture as a reminder that I was there, it wasn't a dream.

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