Sunday 5 March 2017

Fuzzy Head

Vultures have a bit of  a bad reputation as dirty scavengers but they're actually pretty impressive creatures.

Whenever I see vultures I think back to the Disney Jungle Book and the four vultures that taunt and tease young Mowgli. I don't so much remember the movie itself but the soundtrack which I used to listen to endlessly on a Decca portable record player in my bedroom.

The other memory I have from my early youth is of a advertisement for a T-shirt showing a pair of very hungry looking vultures sitting on a branch looking at a herd of animals down below. One says to the other "patience my ass, I'm going to kill something!"

Looking at this European Black Vulture there is beauty to see if you look closely. The close cropped fuzzy feathers on its head, the high collar of feathers around its neck and beautiful long eyelashes. 

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