Thursday 9 March 2017

Night Lights

Yesterday I went down to the waterfront near the woodside ferry terminal with a purpose. I wanted to get some good shots of the Liverpool waterfront which is a world heritage site and a beautiful site in different light conditions. 

I had a specific project in mind and set up my camera on its tripod to take a series of shots over long period of time and as the sun set and the city lights came on I was gearing up for the final elements of my project. But the Stena Line's "Stena Mersey" hove into view.

I was pretty fed up at that point as I thought my project was going to be a failure but I think with some careful cropping I should be able to salvage something. In the meantime while I work on that I have a few other shots to share and to start with I have decided to use this image of the night time sky line and incorporate the huge ferry which was the source of my distress. 

I love the colours in this shot and the bright highlights from the ships lights and the glow from the buildings on the opposite bank. I used my 24 - 105 mm lens at 32mm f16 and ISO 400 and a shutter speed of 0.4sec. The slow shutter speed has given a smooth texture to the surface of the river which had been churned up by the ferry.

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