Saturday 15 July 2017

An Interesting View

Yellow is my favourite colour (see yesterday's blog for a good example) but purple is a close runner up even though it is a colour I often have trouble identifying. I know that might sound odd but it is true, there are so many subtle variations of purple and it is a colour that confuses me. That being said it is a rich and rewarding colour and when I see it in nature I am drawn to capture it.

When the colour is combined with shape and texture then it is really special. Today's first picture is a good example. Getting in close to see the detail it isn't immediately obvious what the original subject is, and although you might try to puzzle out what it is it is also possible to simply enjoy the colour and interesting shapes.

It is in fact the flower of a thistle as you can see from the picture below. It has such a beautiful crown sitting on top of the bulbous green head.

Thistles are often regarded as weeds but they are really beautiful and add extra colour and interest to meadows and woodland paths.

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