Monday 31 July 2017

In The Engine Sheds

I am not an engineer by any means but for me there is something magical about a workshop, the grease, the sounds and smells and the cheerful banter of the mechanics/engineers and hopefully today and over the coming days I will be able to convey some of these sensations in the pictures that I share.

After my day in Whitby I went next to Grosmont in the North York Moors, specifically the engine sheds and home of the North York Moors Railway. Here there were numerous engines in different states of repair and people hard at work on what seems to me to be as much a labour of love restoring giant locomotives from times past and preparing them for use on the railway between Whitby and Pickering.

I like the first picture of the engineer concentrating on his work, completely focused and seemingly oblivious to the noise all around him.

In the second picture an engine is being prepared for the day's running and before long it was building up a head of steam.

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