Thursday 13 July 2017


When I started my blog back in September 2014 my first shot was of a small frog that I found on a wonderful trip to the New Forest in Hampshire, one of my favourite places to be.

Today's offering is of two tiny froglets that I spotted on my recent walk around Mere Sands Wood. On a previous walk there had been hundreds of frogs hopping across the paths, risking all to get to the ponds and meres. It was quite a challenge getting around the woods without stepping on one.

On Monday there were fewer frogs but as I had my macro lens attached I was able to get a few shots as you can see above. It was quite tricky to be honest as I had to keep moving my left hand with the frog on it and to hold my camera steady and shoot one handed. 

I hope you will agree that the results are worth it. You can see how tiny the frogs are as they are smaller than the middle section of my index finger and they are really very cute.

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