Tuesday 11 July 2017

Bugs Life

I love macro photography because it means you can get in close and see detail that you would otherwise miss. Flowers are great with delicate petals, stamen and pollen for example and of course they are magnets for insects like this beautiful hoverfly.

Bugs can be quite tricky to photograph because they rarely stay still for very long and if they are in flight you need good light and a very fast shutter speed as well as a degree of luck to get the perfect shot.

Of course when they do settle on a flower for a little while you have to be ready to capture the shot. When I took this picture the light was fairly poor so I used a small hand held torch to illuminate the subject meaning I could highlight the shiny body and the glass like wings.

I guess the hoverfly uses its colour scheme to deter predators by tricking them into thinking it is a wasp or bee packing a powerful sting but they don't. They can go about their business pollinating flowers undetered.

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