Thursday 30 November 2017


It was a really windy day but even this wind blown Ruff was unruffled. It remains poised and elegant as it patrols the waters edge looking for the next tasty snack.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

So Good They Named it Thrice

When I was in my teens I lived in the Lincolnshire Fens and I would see vast flocks of these birds and I always loved to watch them whirling and swooping across the fields and salt marsh.

They are such attractive birds. When you see them flying they look like they're mainly black and white but up close you can see their beautiful green backs, their masked face and shiny black bibs and wings.

You can tell that it was a windy day by looking at the wispy feathers on the head blowing upwards.

So why do I say the bird was named thrice? well if you include the Latin (Vanellus vanellus) it actually has four names. Its commonly known as a Lapwing but it is also called the Green Plover (it is after all Europe's largest plover) it is also called a Pee-wit after its distinctive call.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Getting Festive

So here I am out for a night in Manchester ( here to see The Divine Comedy) but also soaking up a bit of atmosphere around the city. With the Christmas market and the festive lights it really feels Christmassy and it's still November.

The first shot is of the giant Father Christmas outside the city hall. The second picture is the atrium over the entrance to the Bridgewater Hall and the final shot is of the brightly lit Deansgate pub.

Monday 27 November 2017

Splash Landing

I love this time of year, not for the cold, wet and windy weather but for the many migratory birds that visit our shores.

Like for example these beautiful Whooper Swans. I am always amazed when I see these birds in flight, they are so big and ungainly yet on the water they are so graceful. These aren't the sharpest images as they were shot through the window of the hide and because it had been raining the glass wasn't properly clear. However it was really nice to be inside in the warm while watching the birds arrive.

Sunday 26 November 2017

Birds Of A Feather...

Flock together...

These Goldfinches are so beautiful. They tend to congregate in small flocks as they forage for food so when the first one arrived at the bird feeder I knew it wouldn't be too long before more arrived and I wasn't wrong.

What surprised me a little was the fact that they were drawn to the sunflower hearts. I have tried to attract Goldfinches to my garden using Niger seeds but without any success. Now I know what to use and hopefully it wont be too long before I get some of these beauties visiting my garden.

In the meantime we can all enjoy these pictures. You just have to love these stunning colours and the way these little birds carry it off so well.

Saturday 25 November 2017

An Unexpected Guest

It has been a month since I have been out with my camera, a bout of tennis elbow caused I think by lugging my gear around has meant I needed to take things easy so with a bit of respite I was desperate to get out and snapping again.

So today I headed over to the WWT reserve at Martin Mere, I have always had a great time whenever I have visited in the past and today I was hopeful that in between the rain and snow showers I would be able to get some decent shots.

I was sat in one of my favourite hides where there is a small pond but also lots of bird feeders. In the past I have seen lots of finches and other small birds as well as Sparrowhawks and today I wasn't disappointed as there were lots of finches and tits and a Reed Bunting as well as Magpies, Jackdaws and pigeons in the mix. None of these however compared to the magnificence of a most unexpected visitor the Great Spotted Woodpecker.

I have often heard these marvelous birds and seen them at a distance so to be able to get a few decent images has really made my day. In the last shot you can see him (it is definitely a male) in the sort of setting you would expect to see a woodpecker; up a tree. In the other shots however you may be surprised as I was to see that he was sizing up and eventually helping himself to the sunflower seeds in a bird feeder apparently having learned of the nutritional value of these seeds.

It was a rare privilege to see this bird up close, I was so excited and I wanted to share that excitement and these images with you... Enjoy!

Friday 24 November 2017

Family Fun

I have been thinking about family today and so I have selected a picture that shows some family fun on the beach.

This is the beach at Reculver on the Kent coast. I was there in July 2009 with my daughter, we had attended a university open day in Canterbury and we were checking out the local area. I spotted this family out playing on the edge of the sea with their dog. It was a really happy scene and I think it makes a nice image. A few years later we were on the beach a little further along the coast in Herne Bay when we went down for my daughter's graduation. Happy memories.

It was a really sunny day and on a day like today as winter creeps upon us a summer scene like this can help to give a warm feeling.

Thursday 23 November 2017

Belsay Castle

This is a bit of a picture postcard shot really but I think it is a good image showing the medieval Belsay Castle in Northumberland. 

Apparently it was built in 1370  and it was used as a residence by the Middleton family until Christmas Day 1817 when the family moved into the newly built mansion just a short distance away

The original castle was stripped of its furnishings and used as a folly in the extensive grounds and was used to host summer parties.

I think I prefer the original castle to the modern hall, how about you? Leave a comment to let me know your preference...

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Fabulous Fungus

Here are a couple more shots of fungus from my recent visit to High Force. I think these follow yesterday's image of the rock face really nicely because of the layers or different strata as the fungi grow up the side of the wood in the way the different layers of rock proceeded up the cliff side.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

All Stacked Up

The River Tees winds it's way towards  the sea near Redcar, starting 85 miles away on Cross Fell in the Pennines.

In places it is a gentle slow flowing river but in others it forms cascades and waterfalls as it carves it's way coastwards.

The picture I have chosen for today is an example of the type of rock it has to negotiate along its journey. I like the structure of this cliff with the layers of rock laid long ago and gradually worn away by the force of water.

Monday 20 November 2017

Weathered Wood

I really like this image, it is so satisfying. I like the contours, colours and textures. It was quite unexpected to see it to be honest and I wasn't sure how it would look but I really think the image works well.

Sunday 19 November 2017


I've often said that you can find something to photograph in unexpected places and these beautiful fungi are a perfect example as I spotted them in a courtyard next to a car park near High Force In Teesdale.

These I believe are a type of Sulphur Tuft fungus. I really like fungi of all varities although photographing them often means getting dirty as you need to get down to their level to get the best shots. I think the effort is worth it and hopefully you do too.

Friday 17 November 2017

Ancient Window

There is so much about this image that I like. I really like the warm colour of the stonework, I like the rough texture of the stone where you can see the markings of the masons tools. I love the shape of the arch and the diamond pattern of the leaded window. I like the sunlight as it shines through and I can image sitting here on a sunny day looking out from the castle across the fields.

Thursday 16 November 2017

A Labyrinth

In the grounds of Belsay Hall and Castle in Northumberland there is a strange labyrinth of pathways through rocky gorges. It is an unusual and slightly magical place and although the paths in most places are wide and well trodden it is easy to feel lost and alone, even on a day when there are lots of visitors.

I spent a really nice afternoon here with my mum a couple of years ago and looking back at these pictures I am reminded of that day. 

Wednesday 15 November 2017

In Unexpected Places

I am always looking for a photo opportunity and it is always frustrating when I am out and about and I don't have my camera handy. It has also been frustrating recently as I haven't been able to get out taking pictures and that has given me cause to go back through some old files.

We can often find something of beauty in unexpected places and even functional items can be great photographic subjects. Take this cast iron fire basket for example with its elegant curves and decorative ball. I can imagine flaming logs here sending out warmth and light into the room. How welcome that would be on nights like these when it is cold and damp outside.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

One, Two, Three!

I thought I knew what these wading birds snapped recently at RSPB Burton Mere were but I have forgotten and feel slightly foolish. Even so they're rather nice.

Monday 13 November 2017

Wild and Wet

Although this wasn't taken today I think the conditions would have been about right for this type of activity.

I like this action shot and I chose it for today because recently there have been news stories about surfers so it seemed topical.

Sunday 12 November 2017

Remember Them...

As I walked to work this week I saw the preparations along Whitehall and in Trafalgar Square for this weekends Armistice Day and Remembrance Day parades and I saw many veterans walking along proudly wearing their service medals.

I'm not able to take part in any of the parades or services today but I will still take time to remember the sacrifices and service of so many. Whatever the rights or wrongs of war the willingness and the sacrifices of those who answer the call to serve their country deserves to be recognised and honoured.

I take my hat off to my younger brother who is today on parade in Liverpool.

Saturday 11 November 2017

Stacking Up

Having spent the past week in London I was looking forward to the weekend and hoped to get outdoors with my camera but things didn't work out that way and so I am going back over old files and I picked this picture for my blog today.

I love all things outdoors and I think fungi make fantastic subjects because of the textures, shapes and colours, and of course at this time of year there are plenty about. In this shot I like the crisp clean colour of the individual layers contrasted with the lush green of the moss.

Friday 10 November 2017

Changing Skyline

Just one picture today as I leave London and head back home, tired and with sore feet (I have walked miles).

This view was taken looking east from Waterloo Bridge and shows the changing skyline with the historic St Paul's cathedral and other more modern office blocks  and skyscrapers including 20 Fenchurch St, The Cheese grater or the Leadenhall Building and of course the Shard.

Just up he road from where I took this shot is the famous Lyceum Theatre where the Lion King musical is performed. I remember visiting the Lyceum back in 1982 with a group of friends from college when we went to see the Kinks perform. It was a great night.

The city has changed such a lot since then.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Night time on Rochester Row

These three shots were taken on my walk back to my hotel after dark. The first is iron work on the gates to a school and I like the imagery of planting the tree and feeding it so that it will grow.

The school in question is the Grey Coat Hospital School and that is the subject of the second image.

The third picture is of the doorway to a church. I like the gothic arch leading to a place of sanctuary. At work this week I have been inside one of the most fantastic gothic structures in London, the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand. Unfortunately photography is forbidden inside so even if I did have pictures I wouldn't be able to share them...

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Autumnal City

There is a definite feel of autumn as the evenings get dark much earlier, the mornings are starting to become frosty and of course the leaves are falling from the trees.

Even in a big city like London that feeling is still there. There are lots of green spaces where colours have changed and the trees are looking bare.

On my walk to work I pass a book/gift shop. It is the Mother's Union shop in Mary Sumner House and the autumn themed window display caught my eye. I love the cascading leaves and it looks really effective lit up at night.

The second of today's pictures was taken on my walk back along Victoria Embankment and again I think there is an autumnal feel, with the lighting, the trees of course the leaves on the ground and the couple wrapped in warm coats.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Bright Lights, Big City

I want to avoid posting typical tourist shots of famous landmarks although there are plenty of great landmarks all around this amazing city. Instead I wanted to find some more unusual sites and at night the illuminations in the shops and offices can be pretty interesting and that is what we have here.
It's a pretty wet and miserable evening here to be honest and I'm feeling the effects of a cold so probably shouldn't have ventured out. But instead of stopping in my hotel room with the TV and room service snacks I set out for a brisk walk in the rain. On my way out to get some tea I had spotted these illuminations and determined that I would photograph them on my return journey.

The first four images are of the same lighting structure above the doorway to some offices and every few seconds they changed colour, I can't decide which colour I like best so posted all four and you can pick your own favourite.

The final image is of a light fixture in the atrium to another large glass fronted office/apartment building, it has a cold sparkle which I rather like and I like the contrasting straight lines and angles behind the ball of light.