Sunday 30 September 2018

Industrial Landscape

I imagine that a photograph of a grain elevator might not be such an interesting image for everyone but I rather like this shot.

Thunder Bay is on the north shore of Lake Superior and has been an important trading post for centuries as trade goods are brought from the remote parts of western Canada and then shipped across the Great Lakes and exported around the world, from fur, timber, Iron and Silver and of course grain from the great prairies.

This shot was taken from the marina and shows a view of one of the remaining grain elevators and one of the grain ships being loaded. The pontoon in the foreground is a protective barrier for the expensive boats in the lagoon and a popular perch for the seagulls that live and fish along the shore.

Saturday 29 September 2018

Across The Bay

So I haven't been posting quite as regularly over the past two weeks and that is because I have been out in Ontario along the north shore of Lake Superior. The purpose of the trip was to spend time with old friends in Thunder Bay but of course I never leave my camera behind and so I have captured loads of varied images. There is a real mix of wild Landscapes and Industrial Landscapes, a few random street photos and then an abundance of Wildlife and Nature pictures. With our trip leading into the start of autumn I got lots of shots of the autumn woodlands with the wonderful colours of the changing leaves up high and the myriad of different fungi on the forest floor. I have so much that I want to share.

I know now that my favourite pictures from the trip are of a beautiful red fox and I know that when I get round to sharing them you will be blown away by them just as I was with the experience. Then there are the beavers that were another unforgettable highlight of the trip but you will have to wait for those too, be sure to look out for them in the days ahead.

For today however I wanted to start off with some of the first photographs I took on the first full day of the trip. I went down to the water front in Thunder Bay. I have a number of good shots from my last visit but although the landscape is still the same the changing light and the different moods of the lake means that every day gives opportunities for new images of the same scenes.

I really like this wooden lighthouse at the end of the break water which protects Thunder Bay's marina. When the light catches it right in the early morning or in the evening it glows.
In these shots the small yacht is using the lighthouse as a marker to ensure it stays safe within the breakwater. 

I like the sky in both images, in the first it reminds me a little of the swirl patterns that can be achieved by dropping coloured inks or dyes onto water and using a stick or other implement to create abstract patterns, but I think the sky in the second image is even better with the lines of cloud leading the eye towards the horizon. The waves of cloud in some way mirroring the surface of the lake.

Monday 24 September 2018

Dead or Alive

This Eastern White Cedar was growing on the bank near Gooseberry falls near Two Harbours in Minnesota. I was informed by another visitor to the falls that this was the fittest west these trees can be found as the prefer the more temperate climate of Eastern Canada and the USA.

We were amazed to see that was still actually growing as it was pretty much hollowed out. I think this is a really good perspective to see the twisted trunk, although my son managed to get a better shot (just don't tell him I said that).

Friday 21 September 2018

The Forest

So the first of today's pictures is looking out across the forest from a vantage point above Wolf River, you can just make out part of the river as it flows towards Wolf Lake. although the sky was fairly overcast (heavy rain followed not long after) the colours of the forest stand out as they announce the start of autumn.

With the changing season there is also a profusion of fungi along the forest floor and so the second image showcases a couple of different species growing next to a decaying stump.

I have photographed lots of different fungi during my trip so far and will be posting more in the near future.

Thursday 20 September 2018

Wolf River Falls

I've not managed to post every day recently but I have been getting some good shots.

Today I was at Wolf River Falls innorthern Ontario. I got some fabulous pictures of the falls and I even went behind the falls for some.

This was shot using my phone, I built the stack and tried to capture the falls I softer focus in the background.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

A Feast of Fungi

So I can't guarantee these are edible but they're certainly a feast for the eyes.

These are just a few of the fabulous fungi along the trails at Pigeon River, on the Ontario side.

This is the perfect time of year to get outdoors and enjoy nature. The leaves are turning myriad of colours and the smells of autumn in the air make it a real treat.

These shots were captured using my phone's camera but I have lots more great photos using my macro lens that I will be sure to post when I get back home.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Monarch of the skies

So this afternoon I have been to Mission Marsh just outside of Thunder Bay in Ontario. Yes I am in Canada for a holiday and I am going to be taking my camera with me everywhere I go. The shots however were captured using the camera on my phone and are exactly as shot.

This beautiful monarch butterfly is really one of nature's marvels. Every year they migrate from Mexico and as the summer comes to and end here in the north they navigate their way back to Mexico. Can you imagine that, something so delicate as this can fly all that way. Amazing!

Here it is feeding on Golden Rod, no doubt storing up energy for the journey ahead. It really looks great set against the golden backdrop.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Sunset over the Arno

I love this shot of the setting sun, low over the Chianti Mountains, reflected in the River Arno and providing back lighting to the Ponte Vecchio. 

I feel so privileged to have been able to capture this scene. I had tried the previous evening when the lighting was almost as good but unfortunately an intermittent fault with my camera meant I couldn't get the shots I wanted. I was so disappointed and didn't know whether I would be able to use my camera any more and we were only half way through our trip.

Fortunately the following day (and for most of the rest of the trip) my camera worked as it should and so I headed back up to the Piazzale Michelangelo to get the shot. I think you will agree it is a fantastic image 

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Twilight In Venice

Venice is such a beautiful city and in the early evening, as the sun is setting it really comes into its own.

So as you walk around the back streets and along the canals you really get to see this wonderful city at its best.

Monday 10 September 2018

Getting Under Way

The red car and the blue car had a race...

Some of you will know that the line above is from a chocolate advert for Milky Way but it seemed appropriate given that the gondoliers have different coloured stripes. I don't really think they were having a race and there was no chocolate at stake either.

I have these pictures in colour and black and white and both look fantastic. I think for the close up the black and white works better but for the whole scene I think the colour shots come out on top. They are rich and full of life and the decoration of the gondolas and the lighting from the cafes stand out beautifully.

Sunday 9 September 2018

About The Streets of Florence

In lots of the places I visited around Europe early this summer I took pictures over the rooftops and down in the streets and today I am sharing a few images from around the streets of Florence.

It is a beautiful and colourful city with lots of wonderful and colourful characters.

Now there is a popular belief that Italian people have style and flair. I think the  people in these shots may contradict that; socks with sandals??? The music was good though.

Saturday 8 September 2018

Fire In The Sky

I was just looking out of my window at the miserable grey sky. It has been like that all day, overcast and dull and at time with lashings of rain.

I cast my mind back to an evening in June when I witnessed a most wonderful sunset when the whole sky was a glorious golden yellow. Perhaps the location helped to make it one of the best sunsets I have seen.

As you can see from these shots the sky over Florence against the misty backdrop of the Chianti mountains was so rich and warm. It was definitely worth the effort of the walk up to the Piazzale Michelangelo which overlooks the city and is the perfect vantage point to see the sights. It is always bustling with people soaking up the atmosphere and taking selfies. I personally don't go in for the endless selfie taking especially when there are views such as this to observe and capture. 

Friday 7 September 2018

Secluded Courtyard

Over the last few days I have been sharing pictures from a recent visit to Dunham Massey but before then I was posting more pictures from my roadtrip earlier this year.

Today's picture is stepping back to the trip and my visit to the Boboli Gardens in Florence.  We had spent a couple of hours walking around the gardens soaking up the atmosphere and the summer sun and as we were making our way to the exit I spotted this wonderful little terrace/courtyard. I love the colours in this picture and the contrast between the warm stone  floor, the rich colour of the walls and the cool green of the climbers around the gateway, And the gate, slightly rickety adds such a lot of character to the scene.

The gardens were quite busy but this little terrace was an oasis of calm and so so beautiful. 

Thursday 6 September 2018


Whenever I am outdoors I seem to get more than my fair share of mosquito bites and it really bugs me (pun intended). So when I was watching these deer at Dunham Massey I could really empathise with their plight. Look at how they must suffer with the swarms of evil bitey flies.

The young stag in the final two images seems to be suffering much more than the others and at first I couldn't think why. However I think the first image might just give us a clue.

When I saw the deer in the first shot I thought he had some fabric or an old boot lace twisted around his antlers but if you look closely you will see that that is not the case. The stag in the last two shots has the downy velvet coating still covering his antlers whereas the first one has antlers which have been scraped "clean" of the velvet and the tassles are the remnants of the soft outer layer. I think that the velvet has a fresh supply of blood and so that will be why it is so attractive to the flies and why this poor creature has such an annoying following while the other have less of a problem.

One other thing that I noticed during my walk around the park was that the young female deer were really quite skittish and shy whereas the young bucks were more relaxed. In just a few weeks however there will be a major change in the behaviour as the rut begins and the bucks will become more aggressive in an attempt to achieve dominance within the herd, it won't be quite so easy to get up close to these marvellous creatures then.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Wood Face

When I shot the first of today's images I had been watching a swan on the lake and when I saw this fallen tree I thought this branch had a swan like quality. 

I really like the way it reaches up and elegantly curves round.

The second image I don't think I really saw it until I'd snapped it. I knew when I saw the tree that there was something interesting about it if I could get the  angle right. From this angle there are two faces, one bearded face in profile looking left and half a face looking right at you. 

Shooting in black and white really emphasises the shape and the shadows that bring out the detail.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Daddy Long-Legs

"The name's Fly, Crane Fly!"

I wasn't sure whether I would post this because I know how unpopular Daddy Long-Legs are but as unattractive and creepy as they are I think this is quite a good shot. Perhaps not as good as yesterdays' grasshopper but still pretty good.

It has a nice sheen on its back and the stained glass wings look too fragile for the task of carrying this bug through the air.

Monday 3 September 2018

By Jiminy!!!

So I know this isn't a Cricket but I thought the title of the post works well. 

I had been taking pictures of a tiny web with dew drops hidden away in a clump of grass and this little grasshopper jumped in front of me. I waited for him to settle and then positioned myself so that I could get a couple of shots.

I am super pleased with these because they were hand held and the stalk of grass was moving so I didn't expect them to be quite as sharp. Add to that the light was perfect. 

Sunday 2 September 2018

Under The Greenwood Tree

This avenue of trees in the park at Dunham Massey provides a lovely shaded place to walk and the colours are absolutely stunning. 

I was really pleased to capture the shot of the deer in the first of today's pictures as the young stag slowly walked into view. Seconds later a dog walked arrived on the scene and the deer ran across the path and out of view.

I love the perspective in the second shot which is taken from a low vantage point and I think the contrasting colour of the walkers further along the path give a focus to the image.

Although the shot look better in colour because really the colours are what makes the picture I think it also looks really good in black and white. In this version of the image the structure of the trees stands out a bit more.

Saturday 1 September 2018

There once was an ugly duckling...

... but it turns out it wasn't a duck at all; it was a swan, a beautiful swan!

Earlier this year I paid a visit to Dunham Massey and I photographed a pair of swans on a clutch of eggs (click here) so today when I went back to visit the park although my main aim was to photograph the deer I wanted to check on the swan family.

To my delight the adults were still there and they have successfully raised three handsome cygnets. I had hoped to get a family portrait as they were all sat together on the nest but as I was preparing the shot another visitor to the park arrived and started hurling lumps of bread into the water disturbing the piece and ruining the opportunity.  

Although they didn't return to the nest as a family group I waited patiently and managed to get a few nice shots.