Friday 7 December 2018

I guess it must be!

So for the third post in a row I have chosen fungi. I will pick a different subject for my next post but rest assured I will certainly be coming back to fungi in future as I have loads more interesting pictures. I should probably try to learn a little but about these things so that I can identify them and at least know a little more about them.

Nevertheless I think they are pretty amazing. All of the specimens today are really tiny, even smaller than those in yesterdays post and they are all really lovely.

I was going to start off by saying something about the red discs in the first image but I now know that they're not red at all so I won't embarrass myself by saying anything about the colour and just say that these tiny discs look amazing against the dark of the damp log they were growing on.

The second one is probably no more that 1cm tall and you can see from the pine needles on the ground around it that it is quite thin too.

Not as thin as the ones in the third shot though with their cotton thin stems and pinhead caps. You may be able to see the way one of the tallest is bending under the weight of a tiny water droplet. These would have been so easy to miss, again the pine needles provide a sense of scale. It is amazing how they even support themselves .

I really like the final specimen which I am reliably told is a mustard yellow. I have seen other varieties like this in a range of colours like purple or grey (I think). I love the pattern on them that makes them look rather like a collapsed umbrella.

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